MRI today.

Frank had an MRI today at UCLA. The tumor has not grown or shrunk, which is common for recently undergoing radiation. It could take up to 6 months before any change.  Hopefully next MRI will have better results.   



Frank at UCLA (again).

Yesterday, Frank was once again at UCLA for a few appointments. They read his (spine) MRI and concluded that his cancer has NOT spread to his spine. They also said he could go back on his CHEMO within the next week or so. So, overall good news!



UPDATE on Frank:

Frank had his most recent MRI this past Wednesday at UCLA. It showed NO GROWTH in the tumor(s). So, that's good. His "rash" is almost completely gone, so they're trying to get him back on his CHEMO within a few weeks.

UPDATE on Frank:

Frank has finished his radiation and had an MRI last week (on Sept. 10th). The MRI showed slight shrinkage on one of the two tumors. It's still too early to tell how much the radiation helped at this point, but he's also doing chemotherapy as well. His next MRI will be in 6 weeks.