Update on Frank!

Just wanted to give a quick update on Frank! A couple of weeks ago, Frank started another chemo cycle. He'll receive chemo every four weeks and another medication every two weeks, for the next year. Luckily, it hasn't interfered with his weekly physical and occupational therapy sessions! So far, so good!

Scott and Frank watching World War Z, during Frank's chemo infusion.

Scott and Frank watching World War Z, during Frank's chemo infusion.

Frank at Occupational Therapy.

Frank at Occupational Therapy.

Frank at his infusion #2.

Frank at his infusion #2.

Frank went to UCLA today!

Today, Frank had a MRI and doctors appointment at UCLA. His MRI showed his tumors are still there and growing (slowly). The plan is for him to begin chemo this Monday.  

MRI from today (on left) and from two weeks ago (on right).  

MRI from today (on left) and from two weeks ago (on right).  

Frank's MRI today!

Unfortunately it was BAD news today. A new tumor has grown in Frank's brain. But, his doctors have a PLAN! So, that's good.  Hopefully, within the next few weeks, Frank will start another round of (new) chemo. He will also take another medication, which will hopefully prevent the cancer from spreading anywhere else. It's going to be another uphill battle, but if anyone can do it, it's FRANK the TANK!

Before the news!

Before the news!

Radiology follow-up today!

Frank had a radiology follow up appointment today, at Hoag, and it went pretty well! He's slowly (but surely) recovering from all the radiation and chemotherapy he's undergone in the past several months! His next MRI is May 20th!